Saturday, April 7, 2007

The worst bad beat I've ever had

"There is an annual cap of 65,000 H1-B’s that are granted every year. The USCIS announced on Tuesday, April 3rd, that they received H-1B petitions in excess of the annual allotment (65,000)..."

"...we need to cancel your travel plans and postpone your interviews. ...we do need to wait until we get more information on how this recent development will affect your work eligibility. I expect that we’ll know how to proceed best in the next 4 weeks."

The US Congress is a bunch of idiots. You know what will be the downfall of America? Every year a million illegal immigrants enter their country to work in farms, but only 65,000 visas are allocated for highly skilled for workers that want to stay in their country legally.


Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Testing 1,2,3...

So this is how low we've stooped, from the glory that was Jino's World 2.0, to the never populated, to this, being hosted on Blogger. Ah, well, at least I don't have to worry about you freaks trying to hack my pages anymore =p (Man I miss those days).

So here's to a new start. It's been half a year since I last had one of these (I still hate the word 'blog'), and I'm not even sure why I thought of getting one again anyway, but what the heck. At least I don't have to pay P60/month anymore.

Miss ya guys.