Monday, September 24, 2007

Reversal of Fortunes

The biggest news in town is that the Metro is now open, making my heart rejoice and fulfilling the hopes and dreams of every cardplayer and/or degenerate gambler that doesn't live in the fucking South. Honestly, it's about damn time that a cardroom opened up in the area, now we no longer need to travel all the way to Paranaque to get our legal poker fix.

Since it opened a month ago, I've taken to playing there somewhat regularly, mostly in their 10-20 cash games. I've played a total of 5 sessions averaging about 4-5 hours on each, and my total take is: -P1200.


I don't understand it, I've won big the last few times I've played at the ACF, and really had good confidence in my live game, at least for the 10-20. However so far with the Metro I've had 4 losing sessions and only 1 winning one. And if it wasn't for that monstrous winning one (Up 3.5k after playing 3 hours), I'd be a deeper hole than I'm currently in.

And in a weird reversal, lately I've been winning great online. Usually it's I win in my live cash games and bumble around with my online poker at Full Tilt. It's almost a year since I first deposited there and I was still break even for my $50 for fuck's sake, and I already count myself a lucky bastard with that since I could have gone broke lots of times with my dumbass play. But in the last month playing 10NL, I've doubled my roll easily by following Chris Ferguson's bankroll tips. If things go as well as planned (i.e., I don't tilt again), I'm expecting to move up to 25NL by mid-October.

I'm a bit depressed with the state of my live play right, I'm just playing really bad and without any heart. I'm forcing myself to take a break from live play for awhile, at least I can move up to the 25NL online. Hopefully that'll give me enough time to clear my screwed up head and regain my confidence regarding my live play. It should also let me concentrate on improving online as well, which will be a good thing. I tried 3-tabling for the first time last night, hopefully I can get more used to multi-tabling.


Maverick said...

hey there! good to see another fellow poker blogger again. link with the rest of the pinoy poker bloggers thru my blog and also Nick G.'s, probably the oldest still running local poker blogs in town ;)

We are also part of the crew responsible for the degenerate poker players' haven called The Metro hehe...

We're glad you enjoy playing at The Metro bro! See you there!

Jino said...

Hey, thanks Maverick! You guys are doing a really good job with the Metro. :) Hope you keep it up!